Cybersecurity NewsNews

Hackers Target a Woman’s Facebook Account to Promote Child Sexual Abuse


According to Denver7, a woman in Denver has been locked out of her Facebook account due to a cyberattack. Laurel Redd reported that hackers got access to her Facebook account and posted child sexual abuse content on her profile. She said the incident will greatly affect her business.

She explained that she first received a message from Facebook’s parent company, Meta, informing her about her suspension. Redd explained that she received a message Saturday afternoon from Meta that her account was suspended for violating community standards.

Immediately after she got the message, Redd explained that she started appealing to find out what hackers had done to her account. She added that there was no progress in the actions she could take. “But there was nothing where I could give my side of the story. All I could do was submit an ID card, that was it. So I started doing things like calling the police because child sexual exploitation is not something I want to have on my record,” Redd reported.

Additionally, Redd explained that her Facebook account had optimum security. She mentioned that her security features such as multi-factor authentication (MFA) and Anti-virus protection did not alert her when hackers attempted to gain access.

Redd Lament Difficulty In Reaching Facebook

While expressing her worries over the account, she lamented how impossible it is to get in contact with a Meta staff. She said that she tried contacting them several times to redeem her business but unfortunately received no response.

Redd added that she is not against Facebook dealing with real threats. However, she condemned the inability of the firm to understand her plight. Furthermore, she reported an experience of a fraudulent charge on her PayPal account from Facebook ads.

Redd said she has gotten in touch with PayPal to address the issue, but the firm failed to offer feedback.

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