France Suffer A Massive 300+ Domains Shut Down With Huge Repercussions

Anonymous Sudan has officially announced on its Telegram channel that it has successfully struck a critical part of France infrastructural heart.
In what seems more than a bold move, Anonymous Sudan hit the French Interministerial Digital Directorate (DINUM) Affairs with more than 300+ Domains shut down due to a ripple effect.
The threat actor knocked out the French Interministerial Directorate infrastructure including more than 17,000 IPs and devices, as well as over 300+ domains.
Why the Attack on France was Successful
The Ministry’s goal has been to set a clear and ambitious path for the digital public sector so that it would be a powerful lever to make the State more efficient, simpler, and more sovereign. However, Sudan’s penetrative attack has highlighted that the digital office is not so impregnable.
Furthermore, the administration host and organizes a lot of the digital French government and organizational sectors, meaning the attack affected several digital government sectors, including very important websites, with their respective subdomains.
Consequently, the damage will be widespread as core digital government endpoints have been hit and the French know the details very well, says Sudan. However, at the time of writing, the French Interministerial Directorate has yet to acknowledge any damage to its digital space and infrastructure.
Sudan Strikes United Arab Emirates Satellite Network
Anonymous Sudan has claimed responsibility on its Telegram channel for a recent cyber attack that targeted the critical satellite infrastructure of the United Arab Emirates (UAE).
Notably, for the leading players in satellite communications, the piercing attack has brought yesterday’s concerns about the vulnerability of critical telecommunications systems and today’s continuing regional tensions into focus leaving many to wonder about the aims of these attacks.
The cyberattack targeted two prominent entities in the UAE’s satellite communications landscape: the Human Capital partnership between Star Satellite Communications and Al Yah Satellite Communications.