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Cyber Attacks Hits Russia’s Sberbank as Assault Advances in Mauripol Ukraine


Cyber Attacks Hits Russia’s Sberbank as Assault Advances in Mauripol Ukraine.

According to a recent tweet, the Russian bank Sberbank has suffered from another data breach due to the Russian-Ukraine war. The tweet says that anonymous threat actors has hacked Sberbank and leaked several amount of customers emails, phone numbers and addresses.

Many cyber groups have pledged their support to fight for Ukraine in cyberspace, and the hackers have confirmed to be part of the Ukrainian supporters cyber group. Anonymous hackers tweet about their successful hacking operations against Russia.

Their recent tweet is about the successful hacking operation against Russia’s Sberbank. The tweet included a link to the disclosed data. The attack would definitely be a big blow to Russia’s digital infrastructure and financial revenue.

More on Sberbank

Sberbank is a Russian majority state-owned banking and finance services company. It is one of Russia’s largest banks, if not considered to be the largest. It’s headquarters is located in Moscow. They operate in several European countries, mostly in post-Soviet republics. By 2022, the bank is said to be in possession of about one-third of Russia’s bank assets.

In 2019, a Russian-based daily newspaper, Kommersant, reported a cyberattack on Sberbank that affected at least 200 of its customers. According to the report, about 60 million credit cards were put up for sale by an unknown seller.

The leak is still considered to be one of the biggest cyberattacks in Russia’s history. It was for said by analysts in Russia and Russia seem prepared but such attacks were not scaled and handled properly and this incident has haunted the Russian people.

Peace discussions between Russia and Ukraine have been on-going but the two countries have failed to make an agreement. It is uncertain how long the violence will continue as cyber groups continue to relentlessly launch attacks.

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