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Chinese Report States CIA’s Role In #Cyberattacks


In a 2020 report, 360 found out that an unidentified hacker organization specializes in pilfering systems data about China and countries that are friendly with China.

Threats Actors Strongly Linked To CIA

The unidentified hacking group were using cyberattack weapons tied with top-secret hacking tools. The names of these tools were in leaked CIA files dubbed Vault 7, and contain viruses, malware, zero-day exploits, and malware remote control systems.

Additionally, 360 claimed such attacks are present and date back to as early as 2011. The targets have possessed key system data on infrastructure and government bodies.

Furthermore, during investigations of several cyberattacks on the system data of Chinese enterprises and organizations, research institutes and enterprises based on aerospace, internet, and petroleum and petrochemicals.

Moreover, 360 realized the succession of cyberattack weapons that follow malware development measures and protocols referred to in Vault 7, making up Network Operations Division In-memory Code Execution Specification and Network Operations Division Cryptographic Requirements all lead to the CIA.

Unrefutable Cyberattack Connection

The report claimed that many know the CIA strictly follows the standards and protocols referred to in the aforementioned to develop cyberattack weapons, which it embeds in Internet and Internet of Things assets around the world.

Moreover, the CIA can then attain subtle control over the system data networks of other countries anytime and anywhere, pilfering key and sensitive data.

Arguably, such huge operations need sustenance. These include abundant funding, systematic details, technologies, and human resources.

360 reportedly strengthen its logic by saying, the US has assembled a state of hackers, however, it chose to not clarify and provide more details. The firm added that it will reveal the details of these incidents in the future.

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