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British Intelligence Reveals Warning Signs of How AI Increase Cyberattack


British intelligence agency GCHQ issued a warning, stating that the rapid advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools may lead to a significant increase in cyberattacks.

British Intelligence Says AI Could Lower Entry Barrier

The National Cyber Security Center (NCSC), a division of GCHQ, highlighted the potential for lower entry barriers enabled by AI. Moreover, the could empower less sophisticated hackers to engage in digital harm and contribute to a global rise in ransomware attacks.

In a recent report, the NCSC emphasized the uneven impact of AI on the cyber threat landscape, noting that opportunistic hackers lacking advanced skills would benefit the most from these technological advancements. Additionally, they stated that the use of generative AI tools, such as chatbots, can be a potential means to create more convincing elements in online phishing campaigns.

At an advanced level, the agency identified state-backed hackers as well-positioned to leverage AI for sophisticated cyber operations, including the development of advanced malware. Furthermore, the report specifically mentioned concerns about the security implications of large language models (LLMs) like OpenAI’s ChatGPT, which can produce human-like interactions and are seeing huge integration into various services.

Authorities in Britain, the U.S., and Canada are actively exploring the security challenges posed by AI adoption among hackers. Additionally, as AI continues to progress, intelligence agencies worldwide are intensifying efforts to monitor and address potential cyber threats associated with algorithms capable of generating convincingly human-sounding interactions.

AI Sees Integration Into the Military

OpenAI is undergoing a significant shift in its approach by collaborating closely with the US Pentagon and armed forces. The organization is actively involved in creating and establishing open-source cybersecurity software in partnership with the US Defense Department.

However, this departure from OpenAI’s initial stance reflects a change in its previous position of refraining from contributing its artificial intelligence for military purposes. Notably, the company, known for developing ChatGPT, is now engaging in collaborative projects with the Pentagon, focusing on the development of cybersecurity capabilities.

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