Anonymous Russia Joins Forces With Sudan To Trumple Kenya

Previously, Cybertechwiz wrote about the raging DDoS attacks by Anonymous Sudan on Kenya’s critical infrastructure. The attack is ongoing as the threat actors strengthened their resolve to crush and destabilize the critical infrastructure of Kenya.
Anonymous Sudan revealed on its telegram it has reached out to Anonymous Russia in an attempt to join forces to ‘crush and erase’ Kenya’s key infrastructure.
However, the successive DDoS attacks on Kenya left many netizens perplexed. The group stated that during its attack on eCitizen which was down for days, they pilfered access to many citizens’ data in the government offices. They maintained they had limitless access to the accounts of Kenya’s Revenue Authority.
Notably, the importance of Kenya’s eCitizen portal is that the website contains all government key services. These comprise booking a driver’s License with the National Transport Safety Authority(NTSA), applying for a passport from the Immigration Department, and searching for a title deed at the Ministry of Lands.
Additionally, Anonymous Russia revealed its support for downing the website and further collectively trampling on the power and lighting company in Kenya leaving the citizens to suffer power outages for an extensive period of time.
Anonymous Sudan Offers Peace Treaty Requirements
Anonymous Sudan mockingly requested the presiding president of Kenya to seek peace through a public apology or pay a fixed amount of money on its dark webpage.
In its own words, it says, ‘We are aware of the depth of your systems damage and the ongoing harm it has done to your entire infrastructure, we offering you an opportunity to cease all attacks.
Furthermore, its state two (2) optional condition for a ceasefire on all of Kenya’s infrastructure. It says an official Kenyan government apology or $200,000 worth of Bitcoin to a named wallet address.
At the time of writing, the Kenyan government has made no comment on the proposal for a ceasefire. Moreover, Sudan remains vigorous in its rabid attack to cripple Kenya’s infrastructure.