An Anonymous Hacker Plans to Sell More Than 11,000 Credit Cards Details

On Tuesday, an anonymous hacker revealed on the dark web he had successfully hacked the details of over eleven thousand credit cards.
Cybertechwiz discovered that the threat displayed a series of vague card details and emails as proof of the hack. He identified as AnonOne on its dark web profile, and shared download links directing the possible buyer to the source.
Surprisingly, the hacker profile was first created in 2022 with only 66 threads and 66 posts on the dark web. This reveals he is relatively new and probably on course to reveal his fangs with this stunning hack of credit cards.
Notably, no known credit card companies have reported a loss of their customers’ cards nor were anonymous transfer reports at the time of writing. However, the stunning number of eleven thousand cards is simply mouth-gasping.
Credit Cards Analytical Value To Individuals And Businesses
All around the world, nearly every bank user in selected countries uses a Visa or Mastercard-issued credit card, while other countries barely use these cards. According to an analytical report survey from the World Bank – which stems from 2017, – Canada, Israel, and Norway were the only three countries worldwide where credit card ownership among consumers was over 70 percent.
By comparison, Bangladesh and Morocco both had credit card penetration of 0.2 percent in 2017. It is presently unclear if this situation changed somewhat in 2020 or 2021, as there are no newer data at this time.
However, Statista estimates that credit card ownership across the world in 2020 is estimated the highest in Canada, although Japan appears in the top three charts.
Nonetheless, several European countries like – Luxembourg, Finland, and Norway – tend to do their online purchases outside of their national borders.
In other news, a few weeks ago, Lab666 placed an advert on the dark web, offering to sell access to a military satellite. The hacker claims he gained access to the system by hacking the controller, Maxar Technologies, in the USA.